Gold in the basement of Commonwealth
If you were at Commonwealth tonight, it’s not just your ears that got a workout. With acts both upstairs and down, the entire audience shifted like the tides, swaying between the bands. From Teledrome’s synth stylings and pure punk fun, back to Gold’s easy and gorgeous melodies, and back up again for Samantha Savage Smith’s energetic set.

Opening act Teledrome gets Sled Island going
We tried to flow back downstairs to catch The Gooeys, but let’s just say that the tides were starting to get pretty high. The crowd in the basement meant that we got just inside the doors – close enough to enjoy the sounds, but not close enough to see the show. We called it a night – it’s a long week coming, and we need to save our strength. Colour us dissapointed, though, that we missed out on Chains of Love, Victories, HighKicks, Extra Happy Ghost!!! and the Wild Rose Soul Club DJs. Those who managed to ride the waves longer than us caught some great audio waves.